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In recent years, due to technological and quality improvements, many industries in Thailand have gradually emerged, with the automotive, electronics, and telecommunications sectors showing the most potential for development. Among them, electronic products such as integrated circuits, microelectronic components, and computer equipment are one of Thailand's main export items, accounting for 20% of total exports with a production value of $30 billion. Thailand is currently the world's largest HDD production base, holding a 42% share of the global market. One of the Thai government's strategies is to support the development of the electrical and electronics industry and its clusters, and Thailand is also an important processing and production base for foreign enterprises.

At the NEPCON Thailand exhibition, more than 350 international brands from 22 countries formed a group of manufacturers and distributors of machinery, equipment, tools, accessories, and components to meet the needs of over 10,000 high-quality visitors from across ASEAN. MYSUN booth was bustling with activity, attracting many industry professionals and visitors from around the world who stopped by to learn more about our products and services. With professional knowledge, enthusiasm, and a rigorous attitude, we provided each visitor with professional and detailed services, striving to become the most trusted brand of high-temperature cables for our customers.
